Do not search for the truth; only cease to cherish opinions Seng-Ts'an

To the searching and to the letting go.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

There Are So Many Names

  • Yes, can't we just be that.  The light at the center.  The light that wants to shine in all of us.  Why does it have to have one name.  Why can't we just seek out one another at the heart of it.



  1. well, we are already ARE that. We don't have to do anything more.
    I think what the quote is trying to point to is that by adding more names we blur or hide the truth underneath. Like in the movie Phenomenon, when John T.s' charter rattle off the latin name of a flower then says: "But that doesn't make it any more beautiful."
    A being defined is a being confined.

  2. I love what you said about, "Why can't we just seek out one another at the heart of it." Beyond all those pesky words. Too many words! xoxoxo

  3. I would also say that is the role of the mind. to separate, name. Without the separation there is no "things" - just All. Which is fine, but then it becomes hard to be in form ;-) I think the best that can be hoped is to transcend the naming now and then and feel-realize being beyond that: I Am *not* That.
